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54.  TO E. ELAGINA  (A filming location)

E.Elagina’s photograph depicting a landscape near Sretenskie Vorota (see A.M. “Earthworks”, photograph #13l; volume 4 of “Going to the country”) was photocopied by S.Haensgen. The result was a black-and-white laser copy (size 168x120) consisting of 16 pieces (each 42x30 cm).

In the beginning of the action a closed folder with photocopied sheets was given to E.Elagina at the location where she photographed the landscape in 1987. Then the group of action’s organizers together with Elagina went to the country region of Uspenskoe village by car.

In a forest not far from the highway 16 black plywood boards (123x68.5 cm) were installed under trees. According to the instruction, (see instruction) E.Elagina was to glue the 16 photocopied sheets onto these boards, and she acted accordingly.

After the mounting of sheets the boards were collected, brought to the highway and positioned on it in the form of one large board (492x274 cm) consisting of 16 pieces. Thus, the photocopied sheets were assembled into one picture, with each fragment of this picture divided from another with black margins of the boards.

Then the action’s organizers rode over the board with the car (Elagina was driving) and returned to Moscow.


Moscow – Moscow region, near the village of Maslovo along Belorusskaya railway line.

18th April, 1989.

S.Haensgen, A.Monastyrski, N.Panitkov, G.Kizewalter, I.Makarevich.

3 persons.

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