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55.  S. ROMASHKO  (Video)

Prior to the action at I.Makarevich’s workshop a videotape was made which consisted of detailed instructions on using a video camera (recording, playback etc.) which involved large paper-printed schemes. In the final part of these video instructions S.Romashko was prompted to record his own three items which included an electrical toy, “people at a distance” and himself narrating about the action.

The action’s organizers met Romashko in a field, gave him the video camera and prompted him to watch the pre-recorded instructions through viewfinder. As soon as he started watching, the organizers departed to the field’s edge (to allow him to fulfill the second task, i.e. shooting a group of people at a distance) and remained there until the end of the action.


Kyevy gorki

23rd April, 1989.

S. Haensgen, A. Monastyrski, I. Makarevich, E. Elagina, G. Kizewalter.

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