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69.  TO I. KABAKOV   (Three notebooks)

Materials of KD and A.M. (photographs, texts, schemes) requested by Kabakov for his installation titled “Noma” were arranged in three black A2 notebooks. Each sheet in all three notebooks consisted of four typoscript pages, three of which belonged to the requested materials. Therefore, Kabakov was supposed to un-arrange the notebooks and cut the desired texts, photographs and drawings from A2 sheets, then disposing the “unwanted” element from each sheet.

The notebooks were labeled with scaled-up copy of a line from I.Holin’s verse (“To I.Kabakov”, published in the book titled “Lianozovo” (Munich, 1992, S-Press) dedicated to Kabakov.

The notebooks were handed over to Kabakov by B.Groys.




A. Monastyrski, S. Haensgen

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