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After “The second speech” performance viewers were offered a car ride to Golden Street. What is specific about this street is that it contains no apartment buildings: along one side is a fence belonging to “Salut” factory, along side the other is a row of garages. Some of the garages are colored blue and have no numbers, whilst he others, close to Burakov Street, are colored green and numbered. The green garages are numbered as follows (looking from left to right): the first three garages are numbered 87, 88, 89, the following garages are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on up to 86. (Therefore the last three garages of the “green section” are effectively relocated at the beginning of the row).

The organizers approached the beginning of the row of garages, the “green section”, and began by attaching sheets of A1 format paper to the green metal garage doors, attaching the sheets to the left of the numbers. These sheets of paper (a total of 13 printed photocopies) contained the names of CA performances from volume 1 to 5 (1976-1989).

First the three sheets with the performances names from 1987, 1988, 1989 were attached to the garages. Then, both the organizers and the viewers moved together along the row of garages from numbers 1 to 76 and attached 10 more sheets on the garages numbered 76-86 (except for the 82nd garage because no performances took place in 1982).

As the participants passed garage number 45 a group picture was taken. This garage was chosen as Golden Street became “Location #45” in “CA’s location” list. (Just as “The second speech” performance was named as “location #44”).

Once all 13 sheets had been attached and left on the garages, a document (factography) was distributed to the viewers and the participants left the scene.

Moscow, Golden (Zolotaya) street

29th July 2000 (performance began approximately at 4:30 pm)

A.Monastyrski, N.Panitkov, S.Romashko, N.Alekseev, I.Macarevich, E.Elagina, M.Konstantinova, M.Sumnina.

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